
Warning: post intimista, proseguite la lettura solo se vi interessano i cazzi miei (e possibilmente i tarocchi)


Mi sono fatta leggere le carte da un amico questa sera. Visto che lui era un po’ arruginito con le carte, abbiamo un po’ improvvisato e ci siamo organizzati cosi’: 

ho tirato fuori 3 carte, la prima che si riferiva al tempo passato e alle situazioni che si sono conluse. La seconda si riferisce a questo momento. La terza si riferisce alla situazione nel futuro prossimo. 

La mia domanda e’: devo stare a Londra o meno?

I risultati: 


1. Il passato: Due di denari

"Vast change and fluctuations.  A
need to balance many skills when planning ahead.  A warning
against purchasing items on credit.  The cards indicates:
imminent changes and movement, such as news, journeys,
communications, money, material preoccupations.  All change
must be skillfully navigated with knowledgeable manipulation of
life’s rules, in order to attain continued success.  There
needs to be careful handling of established business."

o anche:

"Difficulties starting a project, you must trust in your
abilities. Perpetually juggling finances. Spreading your resources
wisely. You have plenty of time to get things right."


2. Il presente. Dieci di spade


"Ruin, desolation, disruption, although
generally this refers to a group rather than an individual. 
Sorrow, sudden misfortune, accidents, muggings or personal
robbery.  There is some cause for optimism; as the
lowest point in the cycle, from now on things can only get better
the worst is over."

e anche:

Ten of Swords represents a physical end.  Generally speaking the Ten of
Swords can represent the end of a relationship, a business partnership,
a career, an end to health problems, or it can even signify an end to
physical life.  The Ten of Swords differs from the Death card in that
Death represents a change to a higher state of being while the Ten of
Swords represents a concrete and deliberate end.  Unlike the
transformational aspect of the Death card, the Ten of
Swords also heralds a new start or new beginning to balance out that
which has been lost.  Similar to Death, the Ten of Swords can also
change but in this case the change is not always easily accepted.  The
Ten of Swords signifies a difficult passage or period of adjustment that
will inevitably come to pass no matter how much we fight.  It can also represent being stabbed in
the back, being taken advantage of, or it can imply the possibility of physical
threats being made.  The Ten is a card of hardship and while we may not
like having to deal with difficult situations the more we experience
them the more balanced our view of life will become."


3. Il futuro. Sei di spade.


Feeling the blues
experiencing a low-level sadness
just keeping your head above water
working to get through the day
feeling somewhat depressed
avoiding the lows, but also the highs
feeling listless
functioning, but not much more


dealing with the effects of trauma
getting over a tough time
picking up the pieces
starting to cope
beginning to get your health back
heading toward a more positive place
feeling hope again


changing location
moving from one place to another
taking a trip
experiencing a change of scene
being uprooted
going on a journey
entering into a new frame of mind


"The Six of Swords appears to project a somewhat sad, melancholy
feeling. However, there are both positive and negative aspects to this
card, like any other card in the Tarot deck. The card depicts a woman
and a young child being ferried across a body of water toward a land
just in the distance. Is the ferryman the woman’s husband or simply a
hired hand? In any case, the woman’s head is covered, indicating
sadness or loss as she moves away from something in her past. The water
to the right of the boat is turbulent, but the water to the left and
near the land to which they are journeying is calm and steady. Although
there is an indication of change or loss in this card, and therefore a
sense of "moving away" from something, there is also a sense of "moving
toward" a new life. The waters in the distance are calm, and we are
moving away from turmoil and conflict toward peace and tranquillity."


Non sono una grande esperta di carte, ma piu’ chiaro di cosi’….


Si accettano suggestoni. In che direzione mi lancio?


AH, quasi dimenticavo. Ho tirato una carta-jolly alla fine, per riassumere:

"Change and new excitements,
particularly of a romantic nature.  invitations, opportunities,
and offers.  A person who is a bringer of ideas, opportunities
and offers.  He is often constantly bored and in constant need
of stimulation, but also artistic and refined.  A person who is
amiable, intelligent full of high principals, but a dreamer who can
be easily led or discouraged.


Oh mein lieber Gott… ๐Ÿ˜€

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One Response to divinazione

  1. silvia says:

    Anversa, mi dicono, รจ piena di sognatori ๐Ÿ™‚

    Intanto se fossi in te andrei in vacanza, poi le idee brillanti arriveranno!

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