
demoni 1


dem3 dem4

dem 10

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6 Responses to demoni

  1. elvis says:

    ah maybe i should animate my Bong! universe?
    your animation was very inspiring. maybe over my solstice will work on it. see you soon, have fun too xx

  2. li says:

    hey xc, don’t flatter me too much!!
    and also, being me is quite boring and frustrating most of the time, as you well know ๐Ÿ˜€

    elv, the BONG!-universe sounds fun! i am in the process of animating my BONG-demon, but i’m not happy with it as yet..have a good solstice and all

  3. elvina says:

    oh i forgot to tell you, when i was about 14 i invented a whole universe with funny creatures in, called BONG!. they looked like your first demon, they made really good noises when they bumped into each other!

  4. xc says:

    You have become the person I always wanted you to be. Or is it the person I always wanted to be?

  5. l. says:

    ei b., grazie
    mi ero ispirata al fantastico libro della fumettista Lynda Barry, ONE!HUNDRED!DEMONS!


    a quanto pare quella di meditare e aspettare che ti compaiano davanti i tuoi 100 demoni e disegnarli (per esorcizzarli suppongo) e’ un esercizio Zen, secondo Lynda. lei ci ha fatto un libro bellissimo.

  6. b. says:

    ei ciao
    li hai fatti tu?
    mi piacciono, specie l’ultimo e pure il titolo del post ๐Ÿ™‚


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